iTOD - Implementing Transit Oriented Development


Scientists, professionals, and policy-makers alike consider the integrated development of urban places and transport nodes – often referred to as Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) – as a key strategy for achieving more sustainable urban development. Accordingly, several policies and programs have been developed in accordance with TOD principles in cities and regions around the world, including in the Amsterdam metropolitan region. However, persistent governance, fi-financial, and knowledge barriers are hampering their implementation. This research aims to address these implementation problems, building on work already being undertaken by the academic and professional partners in the research consortium, and combining insights from international experiences with “action-oriented” research involving stakeholders. The main research question centers on identifying lessons for successfully developing and implementing a TOD strategy in the Amsterdam metropolitan region. The lessons are structured around three key areas: (1) actors, institutions, and governance; (2) funding and value capturing; and (3) knowledge and information. Grant: €486,314 (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research – NWO). Role: project partner (€140,000). Principal researcher: Dominic Stead. Coordinator: University of Amsterdam. Duration: 07/2012-07/2014.

More information: https://www.

Written by Dominic Stead


Example of Transit Oriented Development around The Hague’s central station. Photo: R. Rocco